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Decrease in Reported Tuberculosis Cases – United States, 2009

This report discusses the results from the National TB Surveillance System for 2009. A total of 11,540 TB cases were reported in the United States for a TB rate of 3.8 cases per 100,000 population. This was a decrease of 11.4 percent from the rate of 4.2 per 100,000 reported for 2008. This rate was the greatest single-year decrease ever recorded and the lowest recorded rate since national TB surveillance began in 1953.

Basics of MDR-TB Clinical Care: Online Video Series

Basics of MDR-TB Clinical Care: Online Video Series is comprised of a series of short, online lectures presented in easy to digest segments. The series will cover major topics pertaining to epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment regimens, monitoring and case management, side-effects, prevention and isolation, treatment of contacts, and special situations. A distinguished group of experts from public health and academia contributed to the writing and recording of the finalized series. So far, three videos are available. More videos will be added later in 2018.