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Sifilis: La Realidad

This pamphlet provides information about the STD syphilis. It lists basic facts about the disease and discusses transmission, symptoms for men and women, testing, and treatment. The pamphlet explains that recent sex partners should be notified, as they would need to be tested for the disease and treated if infected. Syphilis can be cured with antibiotic treatment, but an individual can be reinfected.

Clamidia: La Realidad

This pamphlet provides information about the STD chlamydia. It lists basic facts about the disease and discusses transmission, symptoms for men and women, testing, and treatment. The pamphlet explains that recent sex partners should be notified, as they would need to be tested for the disease and treated if infected. Chlamydia can be cured with antibiotic treatment, but an individual can be reinfected.

Virus del Papiloma Humano Genital: La Realidad

This pamphlet provides information about genital human papillomavirus (HPV). It notes that this is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the US and that most people who have the disease do not know it, as they may not have symptoms. It explains how the disease is transmitted, the symptoms and health effects of HPV, and focuses on important knowledge about HPV for both men and women. Women are warned that some types of HPV can cause cervical cancer in women, but that a woman can protect herself by getting regular Pap tests and early treatment for problems that could turn into cancer.

Verruga Genital

This pamphlet provides the general public with information on genital warts. The pamphlet discusses various types of warts, transmission, symptoms, medical treatment, and the relationship of warts to cancer. Contact information is provided for sexual health services in Australia.

Tricomoniasis - Hoja Informativa de los CDC

This information sheet discusses trichomoniasis, an STD that is caused by infection with a protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. It describes the disease, and explains how it is diagnosed, transmitted, and treated. It also discusses the treatment and prevention of trichomoniasis, its effect on the infant of a pregnant woman who is infected, and how trichomoniasis infection makes women more susceptible to acquiring or transmitting HIV. Sources for additional information are provided.

VPH Tambien Conocido Como Virus del Papiloma Humano

This information sheet for parents discusses the need for the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to protect their children from HPV infection. It explains that HPV can cause anal and oropharyngeal cancers in both women and men; cancers of the cervix, vulva, and vagina in women; and cancer of the penis in men. The information sheet notes that the virus is transmitted during sexual contact and reminds parents that the vaccine is recommended for preteen girls and boys ages 11 or 12 and can be given to older youth who have not been vaccinated.


This information sheet addresses the issue of good nutrition for people with HIV. It explains why good nutrition is so important for HIV-positive persons, provides nutritional guidelines, and recommends practicing food safety by washing hands before preparing food and keeping kitchen tools and work areas clean. The information sheet also advises persons with HIV to consider taking supplements for additional vitamins and minerals and to help maintain a healthy body weight. It includes sources of additional information.

Hepatitis C: Qué cabe esperar cuando se realiza los análisis

This information sheet explains the blood test called a Hepatitis C Antibody Test, which is used to determine whether an individual was ever infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The test searches for HCV antibodies. The information sheet discusses the meaning of a non-reactive hepatitis C antibody test result, a reactive hepatitis C antibody test result, what an individual should do if the test is reactive, and where to find more information.

Lo Que Usted Debe Saber Sobre la Hepatitis A

This pamphlet provides general facts about hepatitis A. It describes hepatitis A, the liver and how hepatitis A affects the liver; who gets hepatitis A, its transmission and symptoms, how it is diagnosed and treated, what to do if exposed to the disease, and prevention, including vaccination and proper hygiene. The pamphlet makes it clear that anyone is susceptible to hepatitis A, and lists populations with a higher risk of getting the virus than the average person. The pamphlet also explains that patients can participate in clinical trials, and provides contacts for more information.

Vaginosis Bacteriana: La Realidad

This pamphlet provides information on bacterial vaginosis (BV), a disease that is characterized by an overgrowth of some types of bacteria in a woman’s vagina. The pamphlet explains that doctors do not know exactly how women get BV, but it lists risk factors for the disease. It discusses testing, symptoms, whether an individual can be reinfected, and how BV affects pregnant women and their babies. It explains that BV is treated and cured with antibiotics, what happens if an individual does not get treated, how BV affects one’s sex partner, and how to lower one’s risk of BV.