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TB Free in the University and College Setting

This 75-minute webinar discusses TB and LTBI testing and treatment for international students in the university and college setting. The webinar includes information on updates to the American College Health Association (ACHA) TB guidelines, LTBI treatment options, and a model for LTBI screening and treatment in the University setting.

Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Hindi (India)

The animation educates viewers on topics related to drug-resistant TB and multidrug-resistant TB, such as treatment plans, basic information on multidrug-resistant TB, and the importance of medication adherence.

Basics of MDR-TB Clinical Care: Online Video Series

Basics of MDR-TB Clinical Care: Online Video Series is comprised of a series of short, online lectures presented in easy to digest segments. The series will cover major topics pertaining to epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment regimens, monitoring and case management, side-effects, prevention and isolation, treatment of contacts, and special situations. A distinguished group of experts from public health and academia contributed to the writing and recording of the finalized series. So far, three videos are available. More videos will be added later in 2018.

Sifilis: La Realidad

This pamphlet provides information about the STD syphilis. It lists basic facts about the disease and discusses transmission, symptoms for men and women, testing, and treatment. The pamphlet explains that recent sex partners should be notified, as they would need to be tested for the disease and treated if infected. Syphilis can be cured with antibiotic treatment, but an individual can be reinfected.

Virus del Papiloma Humano Genital: La Realidad

This pamphlet provides information about genital human papillomavirus (HPV). It notes that this is the most common sexually transmitted virus in the US and that most people who have the disease do not know it, as they may not have symptoms. It explains how the disease is transmitted, the symptoms and health effects of HPV, and focuses on important knowledge about HPV for both men and women. Women are warned that some types of HPV can cause cervical cancer in women, but that a woman can protect herself by getting regular Pap tests and early treatment for problems that could turn into cancer.

Clamidia: La Realidad

This pamphlet provides information about the STD chlamydia. It lists basic facts about the disease and discusses transmission, symptoms for men and women, testing, and treatment. The pamphlet explains that recent sex partners should be notified, as they would need to be tested for the disease and treated if infected. Chlamydia can be cured with antibiotic treatment, but an individual can be reinfected.

Verruga Genital

This pamphlet provides the general public with information on genital warts. The pamphlet discusses various types of warts, transmission, symptoms, medical treatment, and the relationship of warts to cancer. Contact information is provided for sexual health services in Australia.
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