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TB in Children

This webpage details TB disease in children under 15 years of age (also called pediatric tuberculosis).

Environmental Control for Tuberculosis: Basic Upper-Room Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation Guidelines for Healthcare Settings

The purpose of this document is to examine the different parameters necessary for an effec­tive upper-room ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI) system and to provide guidelines to healthcare managers, facility designers, engineers, and industrial hygienists on the parameters necessary to install and maintain an effective upper-room UVGI system.

Training Curriculum: Overcoming Barriers to TB Control - The Role of Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization

This curriculum is designed for training TB control professionals, NGOs, and civil society activists at national and local levels who are involved in advocacy, communication, and social mobilization (ACSM) efforts. It is designed to provide country-level staff with the specific knowledge and skills to plan, implement, and evaluate effective ACSM interventions linked to specific TB control objectives. The document consists of four files: the curriculum itself, plus annexes for trainer's guides, handouts, and work sheets.

Cirrosis: Una Guía Para el Paciente

This pamphlet explains basic facts about cirrhosis, which is a disease of the liver. It can help patients understand the causes and treatments of cirrhosis. The pamphlet answers patients' questions about common complications of cirrhosis and provides information on how to deal with these complications. It also provides practical tips on how to keep a patient's liver as healthy as possible, including things to do and things to avoid.

Que Necesitan Las/Los Trabajadores Sexuales en La Prevencion Del VIH?

This information sheet discusses the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) prevention needs of sex workers. The information sheet determines whether sex workers are at risk for HIV. It discusses what places them at risk, the barriers to HIV prevention for this group, and what is being done and what should be done to promote HIV prevention for sex workers.

Los Condones y Las ETS: Hoja Informativa Para el Personal de Salud Publica

This information sheet provides evidence concerning the use of the male latex condom to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital ulcer diseases, and HPV infections. The evidence is based on information about how different STDs are transmitted, the physical properties of condoms, the anatomic coverage or protection that condoms provide, and epidemiologic studies assessing condom use and STD risk.

Sífilis y HSH (Hombres que Tienen Relaciones Sexuales con Hombres)

This information sheet discusses syphilis, an STD caused by a bacterium, among men who have sex with men (MSM). It describes the disease, its transmission, stages, symptoms, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment and provides statistics on the number of cases in the United States. The sheet also discusses the increase in syphilis among MSM as well as the high rates of HIV coinfection in MSM with syphilis, and explains how syphilis infection makes individuals more susceptible to acquiring or transmitting HIV.

We Count

This documentary presents transgender people speaking for themselves about problems associated with lack of health care, discrimination, stigma, and issues related to HIV in their community.

Proteja a Su Bebé Para Toda la Vida: Cuando una Mujer Embarazada Tiene Hepatitis B

This information sheet discusses hepatitis B virus (HBV) and explains how a mother can ensure that her baby is protected from this disease for life. It describes HBV, how the disease affects the newborn, and how it is transmitted. The pamphlet advises pregnant women to request testing and if testing positive to make sure the baby is treated with HBIG and vaccine at birth and receives all follow-up doses of vaccine. Also, everyone who lives in the home should be tested, and if negative should get the vaccine to protect them from hepatitis B.