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Viral Hepatitis

Sexual Transmission of Hepatitis C Virus Among HIV-Infected Men Who Have Sex With Men – New York City, 2005-2010

This article reports on a matched case-control study and viral analysis that examined the role of sexual transmission of Hepatics C virus (HCV) among HIV-infected men who have sex with men. In all, 22 case-patients and 53 control subjects were enrolled in the study. Participants completed self-administered questionnaires regarding sexual practices and drug-use behaviors during the 12 months preceding diagnosis or preceding the questionnaire.

Hepatitis and Your Liver

This video contains general information on the liver and its function,and how hepatitis affects the liver. The transcript video is included. This video can only be viewed with Windows Media Player version 10 or Real One Player.

HCV Coinfection: Expanding Access Through the RWCA

This slide set discusses use of the Ryan White Care Act (RWCA) to provide treatment of hepatitis C coinfection in persons living with HIV. It presents an overview of viral hepatitis, the basics of hepatitis C compared with hepatitis A and B, acute and chronic infection, prevention, HCV treatment and side effects of treatment, treatment decisions,, barriers to treatment, and increasing access to treatment through the RWCA.

Evaluation and Treatment of Hepatitis C and Cirrhosis: Federal Bureau of Prisons Clinical Practice Guidelines

This report presents guidelines for diagnosing, evaluating, and treating hepatitis C in persons incarcerated in Federal government prisons. It explains the transmission of hepatitis C virus (HCV), acute HCV infection and its treatment; chronic HCV infection; and a stepwise approach for detecting, evaluating, and treating chronic HCV infection. It discusses the direct-acting antiviral agents for treatment of chronic HCV infection that were FDA approved in May 2011, and their use, the indications and contraindications for triple therapy, managing side effects, and monitoring treatment response.

Hepatitis A and B

This video discusses Hepatitis A and B viral infection. It explains the effect of both diseases on the liver, how they are transmitted, and how they can be prevented, including getting vaccinated. The transcript of the video is included. This video can only be viewed with Windows Media Player version 10 or Real One Player.

3 Facts You Should Know About Hepatitis C

This poster states three important facts people should know about hepatitis C: it's a leading cause of liver cancer, millions of Americans have it, but don't know it, and treatments can eliminate the virus. The poster advises individuals to talk to their doctor about getting tested. The poster is also available in a smaller size, 26" x 36", at

3 Facts You Should Know About Hepatitis C

This poster states three important facts people should know about hepatitis C: it's a leading cause of liver cancer, millions of Americans have it, but don't know it, and treatments can eliminate the virus. The poster advises individuals to talk to their doctor about getting tested. The poster is also available in a smaller size, 8.5" x 11", at
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