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Stop TB

This brochure indicates that although TB affects people worldwide, it can be prevented, treated, and cured. The brochure also lists the symptoms of TB and those individuals who are at risk for TB.

Tuberculosis: Get the Facts

This brochure discusses the basic facts about tuberculosis including TB transmission, symptoms, and testing; and explains the difference between latent TB infection and active TB disease.

Aktivna TBC bolest[[Active TB Disease]]

This fact sheet gives general information about active TB disease including symptoms, complications, tests, and treatment.

Chartre des Patients Pour les Soins de la Tuberculose[The Patients' Charter for Tuberculosis Care]

The Patient's Charter for Tuberculosis Care (The Charter) outlines the rights and responsibilities of people with tuberculosis. It empowers people with the disease and their communities through this knowledge. Initiated and developed by patients from around the world, the Charter makes the relationship with health care providers a mutually beneficial one. The Charter is affiliated with the International Standards for Tuberculosis Care, developed by the Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance.

Staying on Track with TB Medicine

This booklet is one of several culturally-appropriate patient education materials produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the New Jersey Medical School Global Tuberculosis Institute. All of these patient education materials can be found on the following webpage:
This booklet provides information on treatment for TB infection, treatment for TB disease, and how to stay on track with a medicine plan.

Designing a Drug-O-Gram: A Tool for Monitoring and Adjusting TB Therapy

This electronic resource provides an interface for entering patient data to create a drug-o-gram. It includes a user's guide with instructions and teaching points. To download the program, Windows 2000/XP and Microsoft Access are required.

The TB Skin Test (Mantoux)

This fact sheet provides information on how the skin test is given and read, and what the results mean.