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Tuberculosis (TB) Blood Test (IGRA)

This fact sheet introduces the TB blood test, also called an Interferon Gamma Release Assay or IGRA.

An Activist’s Guide to Bedaquiline (Sirturo)

This guide is designed to explain the safety and efficacy of bedaquiline. It also describes what you as an activist can do to help ensure access, fair pricing and further research. The guide provides messages that regulatory authorities need to hear to prepare for bedaquiline and other new TB drugs.

Systematic Screening for Active Tuberculosis: Principles and Recommendations

This document sets out basic principles for prioritizing risk groups and choosing a screening approach. It emphasizes the importance of assessing the epidemiological situation, adapting approaches to local situations, integrating TB screening into other health-promotion activities, minimizing the risk of harm to individuals, and engaging in continual monitoring and evaluation.

TB Educational Resources Pack

In this resource pack you will find:
• Assembly ideas.
• Project plans.
• Lesson plans based on TB and every subject in the current school curriculum.
• Fact Sheets for teachers and students on TB.
• A ‘Get Involved’ factsheet with fundraising ideas.

Compendium of Tools and Strategies to Achieve Universal Access to TB Care for Vulnerable and At-Risk Groups

This document contains links to over 650 tools and reference materials. It is intended for national TB program staff in high burden settings who are trying to identify strategies to reach at-risk and vulnerable communities more effectively. The goal of the document is to introduce readers to the range of tools and strategies that are available in TB control.

Essentials for the Mycobacteriology Laboratory: Promoting Quality Practices

This series of interactive modules was developed by the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Topics include laboratory safety, specimen collection, AFB smear microscopy, mycobacterial culture, and drug susceptibility testing. The modules are also available in PDF format for use in laboratory training programs.

TB Germ - A Cunning World Traveler (Vietnamese)

This multi-lingual, animated video on TB and latent TB infection provides general information using simple messages on how TB is transmitted, the difference between latent TB infection and TB disease as well as what people can do.