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Refusal of Care Form

This contract form is for persons who refuse TB care, given they have been informed about LTBI and TB disease.

Vietnam Cultural Competency and Tuberculosis Control: A Practical Guide for Health Professionals Working with Foreign-Born Clients

The Southeastern National Tuberculosis Center in collaboration with the Lung Health Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham developed this TB-specific cultural competency guide for Vietnam. The guide provides epidemiological information for both TB and HIV in the country, nicknames for TB, common misperceptions surrounding the etiology, disease transmission, and cures for TB and HIV as well as the stigma surrounding these diseases.

World TB Day 2009: I Am Stopping TB

I AM STOPPING TB is the theme for 2009 World TB Day, March 24th. "I am stopping TB" is the continuation of a two-year campaign, launched in 2008. The website includes planning guidance as well as advocacy materials and resources.

Incorporating Tuberculosis into Schools of Public Health Core Curricula

This set of online materials can be used by instructors in the core public health disciplines (Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Health Policy and Management, Environmental Health Sciences, and Social and Behavioral Sciences). The materials can help provide important and sometimes neglected content on the prevention and control of TB to graduate level public health students.

Practical Guide to Improve Quality TB Patient Care: A Participatory Approach

The Evidence-based Participatory Quality Improvement (EPQI) methodology has been adapted to TB and is an innovative way to obtain better results, with the commitment of those who are directly responsible for patient care. This methodology for health care solutions features four integral components: a) customer-oriented quality evidence, b) process improvement, c) health system approach and d) participatory improvement. The crucial steps toward achieving and sustaining improvement in TB diagnostics and care are described in this document.

Tuberculosis Control Laws and Policies: A Handbook for Public Health and Legal Practitioners

The purpose of this Handbook is to provide a practical source of information on laws related to TB control to help public health practitioners and their legal counsel to: (1) understand the legal environment for the control of communicable diseases, including TB; (2) identify and explain legal issues in TB control; and (3) consider the use of tools for improving TB control.

Roadmap for MDR-TB Scale-up: Increasing Access to MDR-TB Drugs through Innovation and Action

The Global Drug Facility (GDF) is a mechanism to expand access to, and availability of, high-quality anti-TB drugs and diagnostics to support the Stop TB Strategy.

This document outlines progress that GDF has made to date, what still needs to be done and where high-level advocacy could help GDF to further scale up its activities.