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Clinical Policies and Protocols

This manual describes policies, protocols and recommendations for the prevention, treatment and control of tuberculosis from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (NYC DOHMH). The protocols address testing, preventive treatment, initial evaluation for TB, treatment of TB disease and drug-resistant TB, monitoring and follow-up evaluation, infection control, and case management.

TB and HIV/AIDS Fact Sheet

This fact sheet provides information about TB and HIV/AIDS and its impact in the U.S as well as worldwide, its prevention challenges, and what the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are doing to combat the issue.

Guidelines for the Diagnosis of Latent Tuberculosis Infection for the 21st Century

This book discusses targeted tuberculin skin testing for latent TB infection as a strategic component of TB control. Specifically addressed are how to administer, read, and interpret the tuberculin skin test and its specificity and sensitivity. Continuing education credits are available.

The Public's Health

This edition of the Los Angeles County Public Health Newsletter, The Public's Health, discusses World TB Day, drug-resistant TB, management of non-compliant TB patients, and the burden of TB in Los Angeles county.

Roadmap for MDR-TB Scale-up: Increasing Access to MDR-TB Drugs through Innovation and Action

The Global Drug Facility (GDF) is a mechanism to expand access to, and availability of, high-quality anti-TB drugs and diagnostics to support the Stop TB Strategy.

This document outlines progress that GDF has made to date, what still needs to be done and where high-level advocacy could help GDF to further scale up its activities.

Isolation Agreement Form

This form for TB patients details the actions the patient will take to avoid spreading TB.

Electronic Recording and Reporting for Tuberculosis Care and Control

Adopting electronic recording and reporting is not simply about choosing a piece of software: it is also about changing how people work. This is not a simple undertaking. This document introduces the key questions to be considered and illustrates what the questions, options and recommendations mean in practice by drawing on examples of recent experience from a variety of countries. It is an essential resource for all those planning to introduce electronic recording and reporting systems for TB care and control, or to enhance existing systems.