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HIV and Injecting Drugs 101

Sharing needles or works puts people who inject drugs at high risk for getting HIV. Also, when you’re high on drugs, you’re more likely to take risks with sex, which can increase your risk for getting HIV.

HIV and Tuberculosis

People with HIV and latent TB infection need treatment for HIV and for latent TB infection as soon as possible to prevent them from developing TB disease. Unfortunately, some people with HIV do not know they are infected with TB. Similarly, some people with TB disease are unaware of their HIV status, although HIV status reporting for people with TB is improving. CDC recommends that anyone who has TB disease, is suspected of having TB disease, or is a contact of a TB patient be tested for HIV.

Understanding the HIV Care Continuum

This information sheet explains the various approaches and data used to develop the HIV care continuum, how it is used to improve outcomes for people living with HIV in the United States and how it helps guide the nation’s response to HIV.

HIV/AIDS in the United States: The Basics

This information sheet provides key facts and an overview on the current state of HIV/AIDS in the United States. The fact sheet also provides information on the impact of HIV across the country, impact on racial and ethnic minorities, women, young people, and gay and bisexual men. Information is also provided on the U.S. government response in the battle to combat HIV.
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