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Herpes Genital: La Realidad [Genital Herpes: The Facts]

Thumbnail image of Herpes Genital: La Realidad
This pamphlet provides information about genital herpes, an STD. It explains how genital herpes is spread, the type of symptoms, if any, and treatments for the symptoms, since there is no cure for the disease. The pamphlet states that there are two types of genital herpes: HSV1 and HSV2, both of...

Gonorrea: La Realidad [Gonorrhea: The Facts]

Thumbnail image of Gonorrea: La Realidad
This pamphlet provides information on gonorrhea, an STD. It lists basic facts about the disease, the symptoms experienced by a woman and a man, transmission, testing, and treatment with antibiotics. It notes that an individual may be reinfected with gonorrhea from an untreated or new partner and...

Sifilis: Hoja Informativa de los CDC [Syphilis - CDC Fact Sheet]

Thumbnail image of Sifilis: Hoja Informativa de los CDC
This information sheet discusses the STD syphilis. It describes syphilis; how it is transmitted; its symptoms during the primary, secondary, latent and late stages; prevention; who is at risk; how syphilis affects the baby of an infected pregnant woman; testing; treatment and the possibility of...