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Talking with the Public about Sexual Health: Message

Talking About Sexual Health (Web)

To motivate the public to take action to protect and improve their sexual health, NCSH members agreed that it was key to identify and promote the benefits of doing so, the core action steps to good sexual health, and a short, simple definition of sexual health.

Based on qualitative and quantitative...

The Conversation Badge

STI Conversation Badge (Web)

This social media tool is a visual tool to help start a conversation about STIs and sexual wellness without the stigma. The badge acts as a digital conversation starter for dating apps. By adding it to a dating profile, it is acknowledging sexual health as the important topic it is.

The Case For New Multipurpose Prevention Technologies

Go to presentation on contraceptive methods use for STI/STD prevention.
Lauren Hunter, a doctoral student at UC Berkeley, presented the "Contraceptive method use and chlamydia positivity among California family planning clients: the case for new Multipurpose Prevention Technologies," an analysis comparing chlamydia positivity by type of contraceptive method used among...

How To Talk About Having Safer Sex

How to Talk About Safe Sex (Web)

Scared to talk about safer sex with your partner. Learn about how to have safer sex, and how to talk to your partner about using condoms, dental dams, and more in this video.

Five Action Steps to Good Sexual Health

Five Action Steps to Good Sexual Health (Web)

To motivate and equip the public to protect and improve their sexual health, the NCSH created and pre-tested the Five Action Steps to Good Sexual Health, which are:

1. Value who you are and decide what’s right for you

2. Get smart about your body and protect it

3. Treat your partners well and...

Take Charge of Your Sexual Health

Take Charge of Your Sexual Health (PDF)

This guide informs people of all ages, including teens and older adults, about sexual health. It focuses on the preventive services (screenings, vaccines, and counseling) that can help protect and improve one's sexual health. The guide explains these recommended services and helps find and talk with...

Sexual Health Quick Tips

Sexual Health Quick Tips (Web)

Developed by the coalition’s Communications Action Group, the Sexual Health Quick Tips provide easy-to-digest information and advice for the public. Using colorful graphics, they can be promoted via social media, including Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.