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MMWR: Prevention of Hepatitis A Through Active or Passive Immunization: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)

This report updates CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices' (ACIP) 1996 recommendations on the prevention of hepatitis A through immunization (MMWR 1996;45[RR-15].) and includes (1) new data about the epidemiology of hepatitis A; (2) recent findings about the effectiveness of community-based hepatitis A vaccination programs; and (3) recommendations for the routine vaccination of children in states, counties, and communities with rates that are twice the 1987-1997 national average or greater and consideration of routine vaccination of children in states, counties, and communities with rates exceeding the 1987-1997 national average. Unchanged in this report are previous recommendations regarding the vaccination of persons in groups at increased risk for hepatitis A (i.e., travelers, men who have sex with men, users of injecting and noninjecting drugs, persons who have clotting-factor disorders, persons working with nonhuman primates, and persons with chronic liver disease) or its adverse consequences and recommendations regarding the use of immune globulin for protection against hepatitis A.
Focus Area:
Viral Hepatitis
Adverse Reactions
High Risk Behaviors
Publication Date:
MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report Recommendations and Reports
43 p.: b&w; graphs, maps, tables, refs.
Last Updated Date:
Publication ID: