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Men Who Have Sex with Men

HIV is Ageless. Get Tested. (Under 25)

This information sheet discusses the importance of getting tested for HIV, regardless of age. It states that one in five new HIV infections are in people under the age of 25.

Take Charge: A Gay Man's Guide to Sexual Health

This information sheet discusses tests that gay men should have, including hepatitis, HIV, and STDs. It encourages gay men to have testing on a regular basis and not wait until there are symptoms. It also suggests speaking to a health professional about PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV.

Top Health Issues for LGBT Populations Information & Resource Kit

This resource kit presents an overview of current health issues among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) populations. While many challenges exist with regards to the availability of data, this kit aims to create awareness among prevention specialists and healthcare providers of the needs, experiences, and health status of LGBT Americans.

MMWR: HIV Infection Among Partners of HIV-Infected Black Men Who Have Sex With Men – North Carolina, 2011-2013

This report examined results of a prospective partner series study conducted in North Carolina and of an in depth evaluation of one of the partner networks. The approach for partner services used involved contacting partners of individuals newly diagnosed with HIV infection and using sexual and social networks and molecular phylogenetic data to improve the continuum of HIV care among black men who have sex with men (MSM). Partner services were provided to 30 black HIV infected MSM who named 95 sex partners and social contacts of whom 39 previously had been diagnosed with HIV infection.

Health Insurance Coverage for People with HIV Under the Affordable Care Act: Experiences in Five States

This report is an Issue Brief that provides insight into what the ACA has meant for people with HIV by examining their early experiences. The report is based on ten focus groups in the five states that represent half of all people living with HIV in the U.S. Participants were asked to discuss their enrollment and coverage experiences, as well as their experiences with maintaining ongoing HIV care, obtaining HIV medications, accessing experienced HIV providers, costs, and the role of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS program.

HIV/AIDS Awareness Days: Pocket Card

This pocket card charts the 11 HIV/AIDS Awareness Days that occur throughout the year. It also encourages people to visit to view webinars, which include a weekly virtual training on new media tools and tips.

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