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Partnering and Public Health Practice - Experience of National TB Partnerships

This publication presents the activities and approaches taken by national TB partnerships to support the work of national TB programmes and partners. By featuring examples from existing national TB partnerships, the purpose is both to advocate for support of national TB partnerships, and build capacity for building and maintaining one.

Mental Health Assessment Tool

The Mental Health Assessment Tool was developed to bring awareness to behaviors that may potentially disrupt the TB treatment regimen. This tool includes a series of questionnaires and observations that can be documented during the patient’s medical evaluation.

Childhood TB

This document contains an overview of what TB Care I is doing to help with the fight against childhood TB.

Tuberculosis Radiology Image Library

This website is an open-access resource library of radiographic images of tuberculosis. Individuals may use these images to gain an appreciation for the broad spectrum of radiographic manifestations of tuberculosis. The images are free to download and share for non-commercial educational purposes. To contribute radiographs and help grow this site, submit images to the editors at

TB Germ - A Cunning World Traveler (Tagalog)

This multi-lingual, animated video on TB and latent TB infection provides general information using simple messages on how TB is transmitted, the difference between latent TB infection and TB disease as well as what people can do.

TB Infection Patient Educational Materials

The goal of these materials is to teach patients about TB infection and to motivate them to start and complete treatment if diagnosed. The materials are designed to encourage provider-patient interactions for active learning through the process of testing and treatment decisions. There are four materials in this series and it is suggested to use the materials as a continuum, as they build upon each other.

Mycobacterium Bovis: Epidemiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment

This training was created for physicians, other licensed medical professionals, and public health professionals involved in M. bovis community prevention strategies and M. bovis case contact investigations. The webinar focuses on the epidemiology, transmission, diagnostic methods, and treatment of M. bovis.

Global Tuberculosis Report 2015

This is the 20th global report on tuberculosis (TB) published by WHO in a series that started in 1997. It provides a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the TB epidemic and progress in implementing and financing TB prevention, care and control at global, regional and country levels using data reported by 200 countries and territories that account for over 99% of the world’s TB cases.

California Tuberculosis Risk Assessment Tool and User Guide

This tool is designed to help clinicians select adults for LTBI testing who are at high-risk for TB exposure or progression to TB disease. The tool calls out 3 groups for testing: foreign-born; immunosuppressed (e.g., HIV, TNF alpha inhibitor use, steroids, organ transplant); and contacts.