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A Guide for Tuberculosis Treatment Supporters

This guide provides information about TB treatment for TB supporters who ensure that patients take their TB drugs regularly and on schedule for the full duration of the treatment.

Stop TB Annual Report 2001

This report summarizes the accomplishments and activities of the Stop TB Partnership in 2001.

Fight AIDS. Fight TB. Fight Now. (PSA)

In this online 60-second Public Service Announcement, Winston Zulu, a TB/HIV advocate from Zambia, says that TB is the biggest killer of People Living with HIV (PLWH). He advocates that he is still alive because he got access to TB treatment on time. A 10-minutes flash movie accompanies this PSA.

Doing It Together: Managing HIV and TB in the Workplace

This guideline is developed by the Global Health Initiative, World Health Organization, UNAIDS and the Global Partnership to Stop TB for the joint management of HIV/AIDS and TB in the workplace.

Tuberculosis: Your Questions Answered

This pamphlet answers frequently asked questions about TB. The pamphlet explains TB, its symptoms, transmission, methods of diagnosis, prevention, the BCG vaccine, and treatment.

Post-Detention Completion of Tuberculosis Treatment for Persons Deported or Released from the Custody of the Immigration and Naturalization Service --- United States, 2003. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 52(19): 438-441, May 16, 2003

This report describes three cases that illustrate several issues associated with the deportation of patients with incomplete treatment of TB disease after detention. These cases highlight the need for interagency coordination to ensure completion of treatment for persons being evaluated or treated for TB.

The Global Plan to Stop Tuberculosis

This booklet explains the action and resources needed over the next five years for six working groups to expand, adapt, and improve DOTS, enabling the working groups to meet the 2005 global targets of setting the world on the road to the elimination of TB.

What Do I Need to Know About Latent Tuberculosis Infection?

This brochure lists the difference between latent TB infection (LTBI) and active TB disease, and how to prevent active TB disease. It also provides drug information for treating LTBI and side effects that may occur from these medications.