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Tuberculosis (TB) Facts: TB and HIV/AIDS

This fact sheet discusses TB and how it is affected by the HIV. It defines TB and explains the difference between TB infection and latent TB infection. The fact sheet advises that HIV weakens the immune system increasing the chance that in people with HIV and latent TB, the TB germs will become active and attack the body causing TB disease. It emphasizes the importance of TB treatment and taking the TB drugs as prescribed.

Tuberculosis (TB) Facts - You Can Prevent TB

Using a question and answer format, this fact sheet provides general information on TB prevention. It discusses TB transmission, infection, disease, diagnosis through a skin test or a special TB blood test, and treatment. It explains that TB is spread by germs that are in the air after someone with TB disease sneezes, coughs, speaks, laughs, or sings. TB germs can live in the body without making the individual sick. This is called latent TB infection. If the germs become active, they cause TB disease. An individual who has been exposed to TB germs will be given a TB skin test.

Treatment of Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB)

This MDR TB online course exists as a free self-learning online tool in allowing physicians worldwide to learn and test their knowledge of MDR TB. It is accredited by the South African Medical Association and the Norwegian Medical Association. The course contains seven modules and covers etiology and pathogenesis of TB, diagnosis and treatment, special situations, patient-physician communication, treatment adherence, and TB infection and control. A PDF version of the course is available in French, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and Azeri.

Tuberculosis Skin Test Training

An educational video and presentation intended to train health care providers to perform Tuberculin skin testing.

QuantiFERON Test Fact Sheet (Multi-Language)

A fact sheet on the QuantiFERON (also called QFT test), including information on how test results are interpreted. There is also content on the difference between latent TB infection and TB disease.

Combating the Global TB Epidemic

The website contains information on the global TB epidemic. The website also provides access to TB resources, including videos, social media tools, and fact sheets.

Vacuna BCG

This information sheet discusses the bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine for TB, which is used in many countries to prevent childhood tuberculous meningitis and miliary TB. It explains why the BCG is not generally recommended for use in the United States; suggests that the BCG should be considered under specific circumstances; and provides recommendations for when the BCG should be used with children and health care workers, and contraindications when it should not be used, such as for immunosuppressed persons and pregnant women.

Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR TB)

This information sheet discusses multidrug-resistant TB (MDR TB), a strain of TB that is resistant to at least two of the best anti-TB drugs, isoniazid and rifampicin. It describes TB disease, MDR TB, extensively drug resistant TB (XDR TB), TB transmission, how drug resistance happens, and who is at risk for getting MDR TB. The information sheet also explains how MDR TB can be prevented, TB vaccine, the symptoms of TB disease, and what an individual should do after being exposed to someone with TB.