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Establishing a Holistic Framework to Reduce Inequities in HIV, Viral Hepatitis, STDs, and Tuberculosis in the United States

This report is a white paper outlining the vision of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention (NCHHSTP) for reducing health disparities and promoting health equity related to conditions of interest. NCHHSTP is committed to promoting awareness, engagement, and action on the many factors that can affect the health of all; to addressing these factors in the policy, practice, and research activities of NCHHSTP; and to building partnerships on every level.

Lo que Deben Saber los Padres Sobre la Infección de la Tuberculosis los Niños

This pamphlet provides parents with information about TB infection in children. It explains that TB usually affects the lungs, how it is transmitted, TB testing, and the difference between latent TB infection (LTBI) and TB disease. The pamphlet also discusses treatment for LTBI and why the treatment is necessary, and side effects from the medication. It provides tips to help parents remember to give the child the medicine, what the parent should do if he/she forgets to give the medicine, and lists important points to remember.

Tuberculosis: The Connection Between TB and HIV (the AIDS Virus)

This pamphlet discusses TB and its connection with HIV/AIDS. It explains TB transmission, areas of the body commonly affected, and lists general symptoms of TB. It describes TB infection and TB disease, skin testing, and how to prevent infection from developing into TB disease. The pamphlet explains that TB is a preventable and curable opportunistic disease that commonly infects people with HIV because of their weakened immune system.

Menu of Suggested Provisions for State Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Laws

This monograph is a menu intended as a practical resource for public health officials and their legal counsel in their efforts to eliminate TB. It contains TB-related legal issues, and suggests possible approaches for addressing those issues, and provisions to be considered within the policy and legal frameworks of the jurisdiction contemplating adoption of the suggested provision. Each section of the menu has a brief note describing the purpose of the provisions included in the section.

Tuberculosis Prevention in French (Congo)

The video describes ways to effectively manage active TB by providing information on TB testing, diagnosis, and treatment.

Tuberculosis Prevention

The video describes ways to effectively manage active TB by providing information on TB testing, diagnosis, and treatment.

Roadmap for Zoonotic Tuberculosis

This roadmap describes ten priorities, grouped into three core themes, that address the major health and economic impacts of zoonotic TB.

Respiratory Protection in Health-Care Settings

This information sheet discusses preventing occupational transmission of TB by means of an infection control program. It explains the three levels of TB infection control in health care settings: (1) administrative controls to minimize areas where exposure may occur; (2) environmental controls to reduce the concentration of airborne TB bacteria; and (3) respiratory protective equipment to be used in situations that pose a high risk of exposure.

Use of EMRs for TB Programs: Benefits and Challenges

This webinar introduces the topic of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) and its application in TB programs. The content will address basic features of an EMR, benefits and challenges of EMR incorporation, as well as tools and strategies to tailor EMRs specifically for TB programs. The format includes two case studies, followed by a moderated discussion.

World TB Day CDC Website

The website contains the history of World TB Day and multiple resources, including web graphics, that can be used in social media updates, websites, and presentations. This website also allows TB organizations to share their World TB Day 2018 activities.The 2018 US World TB Day theme is "Wanted: Leaders for a TB Free United States. We can make history. End TB."