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Preventing Suicide

In this toolkit, readers learn that each one of us can play a vital role in ensuring that all young people, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, are provided with safe, accepting, and supportive environments at home, at school and in their communities.

Community Action Toolkit: A Guide to Advancing Sex Education in Your Community

Two decades ago, SIECUS started the Community Advocacy Project in response to calls from individuals facing controversy over sex education in their communities. As decisions regarding sex education were increasingly debated at the state level, SIECUS expanded the project to document controversies about sex education across
the country and monitor state legislation.

Back-to-School: Helping Students Thrive

Find resources and sample social media posts to promote helping students thrive as they head back to school.

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey: 2019

The surveillance survey provides information on health behaviors that contribute markedly to the leading causes of death, disability, and social problems among youth and adults in the United States.

Covid-19 Guidance for School Settings

This webpage provides information for childcare, schools and Youth Programs on how they can plan, prepare and respond to Covid-19.

COVID-19 Checklist for Teachers

This checklist provides teachers with information on how they can plan and take action if a COVID-19 outbreak occurs within their community.

DASH Strategic Plan 2020-2025

DASH’s Strategic Plan articulates the vision, framework, and overarching goals and strategies that guide the division’s programmatic, research and surveillance efforts through 2025.

2018 School Health Profiles

This report provides representative data on school health policies and practices in states, large urban school districts, and territories.