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CDC Website


Teens Linked to Care (TLC)

This fact sheet provides information CDC DASHs newest pilot project. TLC seeks to address HIV, STD, teen pregnancy, and high-risk substance use among youth in rural communities.

Youth Risk Behavior Survey Data Summary & Trends Report 2007-2017

This annual report outlines and monitors the trends of health behaviors that contribute markedly to the leading causes of death, disability, and social problems among youth and adults in the United States.

2016 School Health Profiles Website

This website contains the 2016 results and maps from The School Health Profiles (Profiles),a system of surveys assessing school health policies and practices in states, large urban school districts, and territories.

Health and Academic Resources

This website contains resources such as fact sheets and data tables developed by the CDC to accompany the Health-Related Behaviors and Academic Achievement Among High School Students - United States, 2015 article released in September 2017.

School Health Policies and Practices (SHHPPS) website

This website contains the data and results from the SHHPPS, a national survey periodically conducted to assess school health policies and practices at the state, district, school, and classroom levels for 2016.

Developing a Referral System for Adolescent Health Services

This toolkit provides a framework for a standardized approach to developing and implementing a comprehensive health service referral system in your priority districts and or schools.