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Gestion des Activités Conjointes de Lutte Contre la Tuberculose et le VIH : Cours de Formation pour Responsables Nationaux et Subnationaux[Management of Collaborative TB/HIV Activities: Training for Managers at the National and Subnational Levels]

The overall goal of the training course is to further develop the skills required to plan and implement collaborative TB/HIV activities based on the strategies for controlling TB and HIV/AIDS recommended by WHO.
Includes a manual for participants, a guide for facilitators, and a guide for the course director.

Engaging All Health Care Providers in TB Control: Guidance on Implementing Public-Private Mix Approaches

This document guides NTPs on how to engage all relevant health care providers in TB control and thereby promote the use of evidence-based, International Standards for TB Care. The experience and evidence on scaling up and sustaining PPM is now clearly emerging. The authors hope that this document will help countries to scale up PPM DOTS more rapidly and contribute significantly to achieving the TB-related Millennium Development Goal.

Roadmap for MDR-TB Scale-up: Increasing Access to MDR-TB Drugs through Innovation and Action

The Global Drug Facility (GDF) is a mechanism to expand access to, and availability of, high-quality anti-TB drugs and diagnostics to support the Stop TB Strategy.

This document outlines progress that GDF has made to date, what still needs to be done and where high-level advocacy could help GDF to further scale up its activities.

DR-TB Drugs Under the Microscope

This report highlights the issues surrounding high prices and poor supply of the drugs needed to treat drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB). The report provides an overview of available drug-resistant TB medicines, including drug sources, quality status, and price.

TB Stigma Assessment Tool

The TB Stigma Assessment Tool was created to help countries recognize why, when and where stigma happens, and understand the impact stigma has. By using the tool, countries and their national TB programs can be better equipped to develop targeted health and human rights actions to address stigma.

Global TB Drug Facility

This fact sheet explains the purpose of the Global Drug Facility (GDF) to expand access to, and availability of, high-quality TB drugs to facilitate DOTS expansion, and to enable governments and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to implement effective TB control programs based upon the DOTS stragegy.