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International Agencies

Lights of Hope: A National Communication Strategy for Fighting Tuberculosis in Kenya

This publication describes Lights of Hope, a stand-alone National Tuberculosis Communication Strategy for use in Kenya in the fight against tuberculosis (TB). It is based on a study of health-seeking behaviours among Kenyans, strategy design workshops with stakeholders, and meetings with frontline TB workers. It presents a strategy for reducing the impact of TB in Kenya through communication strategies aimed at behavior change.

TB Poem: Expressions From Us to You

This poem was written for World TB Day 2007 to convey messages of commitment and hope in the efforts to eliminate TB. It captures the essence of the TB program's mission and dedication to the communities it serves.

Roadmap for MDR-TB Scale-up: Increasing Access to MDR-TB Drugs through Innovation and Action

The Global Drug Facility (GDF) is a mechanism to expand access to, and availability of, high-quality anti-TB drugs and diagnostics to support the Stop TB Strategy.

This document outlines progress that GDF has made to date, what still needs to be done and where high-level advocacy could help GDF to further scale up its activities.

Mass Media Campaign to Help Eliminate TB in Brazil: Final Report

This report includes a description and evaluation of a national media campaign that Development Media International (DMI) conducted in April 2006 to promote treatment of tuberculosis (TB) in Brazil, in partnership with the Ministry of Health of Brazil, the World Health Organization (WHO), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The campaign included 3 television spots and 10 radio spots broadcast over a 30-day period.

Lantos-Hyde US Government Tuberculosis Strategy

In response to the urgent need to control the spread of TB, the U.S. Congress passed the Reauthorization Act supporting a substantial increase in USG funding for TB treatment and control over a five-year period. The Reauthorization Act requests the development of a USG Global Tuberculosis Strategy.

WHO report 2009: Global Tuberculosis Control: Epidemiology, Strategy, Financing

WHO's report on Global TB Control compiles data from over 200 countries and territories each year, monitoring the scale and direction of TB epidemics, implementation and impact of the Stop TB Strategy, and progress towards the Millennium Development Goals.

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