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Addressing the Needs of Black Women in HIV Prevention in the U.S.

This infographic demonstrates some of the risk factors that contribute to higher HIV infection rates in American Black women, including classism, racism, and sexism. It illustrates that one in every 32 black women will be diagnosed with HIV, compared to one in 526 white women. It provides recommendations for HIV prevention interventions and gives additional resources. The infographic is also available as a jpg at

Hepatitis C: Telling People You Have Hepatitis C

This information sheet discusses hepatitis C, a viral infection that affects the liver. It answers the questions, why should one disclose a diagnosis of hepatitis C, who should be told and when, and what sorts of things to say. It also states where to get more information on hepatitis C.

Hepatitis Patient Education Wallet Cards

This set of 10 different two-sided wallet cards provides useful tips on ways hepatitis patients can take care of their health. Cards include: Ways You Can Get Hepatitis C; Ways You Can't Get Hepatitis C; If You Have Hepatitis C, DO; If You Have Hepatitis C, DON'T; If You Need to Cut Down or Stop/Hepatitis C and Alcohol; Diet and Medication Tips; Exercise Makes a Difference; Tips for Good Sleep; Hepatitis A Virus; and Hepatitis B Virus.

Occupational HIV Transmission and Prevention Among Health Care Workers

This information sheet provides recommendations from the CDC regarding the prevention of occupational transmission of HIV to health care workers (HCWs). The primary means of preventing the HCW's occupational exposure to HIV is to follow infection control precautions with the assumption that the blood and other body fluids from all patients are potentially infectious. Plans for postexposure management of HCWs should be in place, and the administration of antiretroviral drugs as postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) should be considered.

MMWR: Prevalence of Diagnosed and Undiagnosed HIV Infection — United States, 2008–2012

This report summarizes the findings if data that measured the prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed HIV infection for the 50 states and the District of Columbia. The results presented in this report show that although the overall percentage of persons living with HIV who have received a diagnosis of HIV infection is high, additional efforts are needed to ensure that all jurisdictions meet the goals of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy, which are to: reduce new HIV infections, improve health outcomes among persons living with HIV, and reduce HIV-related disparities.

HIV/AIDS Basic Training for Jail Providers: An Online Self Study

This online HIV 101 training course if for nurses who work in jails and provides free continuing education units. Training topics include: global and local epidemiology, HIV/AIDS terminology, how HIV is transmitted and prevented, stigma related to HIV and incarceration, how to screen for HIV infection, HIV treatment, standard precautions for jail settings, and practical implementation information from your SF jail colleagues.

Ebola & HIV Stigma: Facts and Lessons Learned

This information sheet discusses travel bans and restrictions instituted from fear of diseases, what damage stigma does to a person, how stigma affects health care, and the difference in modes of transmission between Ebola and HIV. The information sheet is in both English and Spanish.

Clinician's Guide to HIV & Hepatitis

This monograph is a that guide that is intended to provide a basic overview of the management of viral hepatitis for clinicians who care for HIV-infected. The guide describes each type of hepatitis, modes of transmission, medications, and testing. It is not intended to be all-inclusive or take the place of established guidelines.