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[Protect Your Baby for Life: When a Pregnant Woman Has Hepatitis B]

This information sheet discusses hepatitis B virus (HBV) and explains how a mother can ensure that her baby is protected from this disease for life. It describes HBV, how the disease affects the newborn, and how it is transmitted. The pamphlet advises pregnant women to request testing and if testing positive to make sure the baby is treated with HBIG and vaccine at birth and receives all follow-up doses of vaccine. Also, everyone who lives in the home should be tested, and if negative should get the vaccine to protect them from hepatitis B.

World TB Day 2018

The Stop TB Partnership has developed a set of campaign materials for World TB Day 2018.

Hepatitis B Fast Facts

This video illustrates the interactions between TB and HIV, including their impact on the immune system, TB testing, and TB treatment.

[Hepatitis B Fast Facts]

This information sheet discusses Hepatitis B virus infection (HBV), the most common serious liver infection in the world. It explains its effect on the liver, transmission, prevention, epidemiology in the world and in the United States, who is most at risk, and provides sources of further information.

TB Free in the University and College Setting

This 75-minute webinar discusses TB and LTBI testing and treatment for international students in the university and college setting. The webinar includes information on updates to the American College Health Association (ACHA) TB guidelines, LTBI treatment options, and a model for LTBI screening and treatment in the University setting.

TB in those with HIV in Polish (Poland)

This video illustrates the interactions between TB and HIV, including their impact on the immune system, TB testing, and TB treatment.

Are you at risk for TB?

A checklist for individuals to see if they may need a test for TB. The checklist has 3 questions:

*Were you born in or have you lived in a country (for over a month) where TB is common? This includes anywhere in Africa, Asia, Mexico, Central or South America, the Caribbean or Eastern Europe.
*Have you lived with or spent time with someone who has had TB?
*Do you have HIV/AIDS, diabetes, or kidney disease? Are you an organ transplant recipient or do you take medication that weakens your immune system?

MMWR Analysis Provides New Details on HIV Incidence in U.S. Populations

This information sheet summarizes the key findings of the new analysis of the CDC’s new estimates of the annual number of new HIV infections in the United States. The new analysis was published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report of September 12, 2008. The results of the analysis shows that among gay and bisexual men, young African Americans and Whites in their 30s and 40s are most affected, African American women are more affected than women of other races, and men account for the majority of new HIV infection among Hispanics/Latinos.

Sifilis: La Realidad

This pamphlet provides information about the STD syphilis. It lists basic facts about the disease and discusses transmission, symptoms for men and women, testing, and treatment. The pamphlet explains that recent sex partners should be notified, as they would need to be tested for the disease and treated if infected. Syphilis can be cured with antibiotic treatment, but an individual can be reinfected.