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Are you at risk for TB?

A checklist for individuals to see if they may need a test for TB. The checklist has 3 questions:

*Were you born in or have you lived in a country (for over a month) where TB is common? This includes anywhere in Africa, Asia, Mexico, Central or South America, the Caribbean or Eastern Europe.
*Have you lived with or spent time with someone who has had TB?
*Do you have HIV/AIDS, diabetes, or kidney disease? Are you an organ transplant recipient or do you take medication that weakens your immune system?

TB Elimination: Treatment Options for Latent Tuberculosis Infection

This information sheet discusses treatment for individuals with latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), with the purpose of this treatment being the reduction of the risk that the infection will progress to TB disease. It explains how the health care provider determines whether the individual with a positive tuberculin skin test (TST) or blood test result is a candidate for treatment of LTBI and how the most effective regimen is chosen; presents LTBI treatment regimens; and describes monitoring during treatment, drug-drug interactions, particularly for HIV-infected patients, and side effects.

What is TB? Video

The "What is TB?" video provides general information about TB disease and TB infection. The video is available in English, Tagalog, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Latent TB Infection - Waiting Room Posters

4 waiting room posters to encourage patients to speak with their doctor about latent TB. The posters are available in English and Chinese.