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Program Evaluation

Understanding the TB Cohort Review Process: Instruction Guide and DVD Package

This package includes an instruction guide and a DVD. The DVD illustrates the benefits of adopting cohort review and highlights the roles of the cohort review team members. The guide explains the three key elements of the cohort review process and how to adapt the process to your own TB program. The DVD was produced by the CDC, Creative Digital Group, and the Constella Group. The instruction guide was developed by the CDC and the Charles P. Felton National Tuberculosis Center.

The information kit is also available with a videotape.

Tuberculosis Control in Prisons: A Manual for Programme Managers

This book is for health care workers considering embarking on TB control in prisons and covers structural, administrative, and medical issues. It is designed primarily for use in settings where there is a high incidence of TB and limited resources.

Management of Tuberculosis Training for District TB Coordinators

This publication, developed by the WHO Stop TB Partnership, is a training course that consists of 14 modules, including a facilitator guide and answer sheets. This course provides District TB Coordinators the skills and knowledge needed to plan, supervise, implement, monitor and evaluate the activities of a district TB control program.

Civil Society Perspectives on TB Policy in Bangladesh, Brazil, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Thailand

This report highlights the work of community-based organizations and people living with HIV/AIDS in advocating for coordinated TB and HIV policies and services in their countries. The report presents case studies from Indonesia, Mexico, Sierra Leon, South Africa, Ukraine, and the Caribbean, highlighting community advocates’ strategies, achievements, and lessons learned.

A Guide to Monitoring and Evaluation for Collaborative TB/HIV Activities

This book was developed to assist in the management of TB and HIV/AIDS programs that are implementing or planning to implement collaborative TB/HIV activities. It is intended to facilitate the collection of standardized data and help in the interpretation and dissemination of these data for program improvement. It aims to ensure consistency across all agencies and stakeholders involved in HIV/AIDS, TB, and collaborative TB/HIV activities.

Civil Society Perspectives on TB Policy in Bangladesh

This report highlights the work of community-based organizations and people living with HIV/AIDS in advocating for coordinated TB and HIV policies and services in their countries. The report presents case studies that highlight community advocates’ strategies, achievements, and lessons learned.

Identifying Missed Opportunities for Preventing TB: a Resource for TB Programs

This product will assist health department TB programs to document ways to decrease the number of TB cases. Specifically, programs can identify (1) providers who served the patient up to the TB diagnosis, and (2) points at which the provider failed to carry out TB testing and treatment recommendations. The product includes guidelines for completing the form, displaying data for analysis, and translating data into action.

Civil Society Perspectives on TB Policy in Brazil

This report highlights the work of community-based organizations and people living with HIV/AIDS in advocating for coordinated TB and HIV policies and services in their countries. The report presents case studies that highlight community advocates’ strategies, achievements, and lessons learned.

Facility TB Profile: Working With Community Health Agencies to Strengthen LTBI Activities

This resource will provide health departments with the ability to identify health care facilities in the community where targeted TB testing and treatment of LTBI are likely to be most successful and efficient. Used in conjunction with another product developed by the New Jersey Medical School National TB Center (NTBC), Identifying Missed Opportunities for Preventing TB, health departments should be able to strengthen activities in specific target facilities in the community.