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Condoms Get Some Poster

Poster that promotes safe sex through condom use.

5 Ways You Can Be Greater Than AIDS

This poster states five ways people can advocate and prevent HIV: Know, Talk, Protect, Test & Treat, and Take Action. Each section of the poster gives specific examples for each topic.

Fenced In: HIV/AIDS in the US Criminal Justice System

This report discusses the structural barriers in correctional facilities when dealing with HIV and inmates. It states that four times as many people in prison have HIV than in the general population, which is a concern for everyone, not just those in prison.

It's Your Future. You Can Protect It.

This poster encourages teens who is sexually active to always use condoms, along with another form of birth control, to prevent pregnancy. It also encourages condom use to prevent transmission of STDs and HIV.

Condom Distribution as a Structural-Level Intervention

This information sheet discusses condom distribution as a structural level intervention. It states that Condom Distribution Programs (CDPs) have proven to increase condom use, prevent HIV and STDs, and save money. The fact sheet also provides elements to consider while designing an effective CDP. The information sheet provides examples of successful programs at the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the District of Columbia Department of Health, HIV/AIDS Hepatitis, STD, and TB Administration.

It's Your (Sex) Life : Your Guide to Safe and Responsible Sex

This pamphlet presents information about pregnancy and STDs, including HIV and serves as a guide to having safe and responsible sex. It discusses pregnancy; the options available to pregnant adolescents; the effectiveness of contraception against pregnancy and STDs; how to talk to partners about practicing safer sex; how to practice safer sex; and the symptoms of, the effects of, and the treatments available for several STDs.

Safer Sex Menu: Table d'Hote, a la Carte or Buffet

This pamphlet provides information on prevention of HIV. It uses a restaurant menu theme to describe various forms of sexual activity, but instead of a price for items, it rates the level of HIV risk of each activity. The dessert menu lists several totally risk-free activities, while the entrees discuss activities that pose a risk and how to reduce that risk, including using condoms consistently and correctly. It illustrates proper use of male and female condoms, describes the transmission and symptoms of HIV, and suggests that individuals get tested if they think they are at risk.

Report to Congress: Prevention of Genital Human Papillomavirus Infection

This report discusses the epidemiology of genital human papillomavirus (HPV) infection as well as its transmission and prevention. HPV is primarily transmitted by genital contact through sexual intercourse. The report discusses studies on reducing transmission by reducing the duration of infectiousness by treatment, reducing infectivity (condoms, microbicides), reducing the number of sex partners, and the development of vaccines that reduce susceptibility by stimulating the immune system.

Los Condones y Las ETS: Hoja Informativa Para el Personal de Salud Publica

This information sheet provides evidence concerning the use of the male latex condom to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV, gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, genital ulcer diseases, and HPV infections. The evidence is based on information about how different STDs are transmitted, the physical properties of condoms, the anatomic coverage or protection that condoms provide, and epidemiologic studies assessing condom use and STD risk.