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Community Based Organizations

Hepatitis C Treatment Access: State Level Advocacy Successes

This webinar highlighted the work of four advocates who have led successful efforts to expand access to hepatitis C treatment in their states. They shared their strategies, lessons learned, and advice for advocates in other states. The webinar included four panelist presentations followed by time for Q&A and discussion.

A Guide to Comprehensive Hepatitis C Counseling and Testing—in Public Health Settings

The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance for counseling and testing of individuals who are at risk for or potentially infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The manual was used in draft form as part of a field assessment among hepatitis C counselors and testers, who field tested the manual and provided recommendations for improving its utility.

Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) Contact Tracing

This document provides information on Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) contact tracing. It explains the process of how sexual partner(s) of individuals diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease including HIV/AIDS are notified and screened for testing and treatment.

Living with HIV 101 Info Sheet

This is an info sheet for individuals that are HIV positive. This info sheet provides tools and tips on how to remain healthy while living with HIV

Implementing comprehensive HIV and STI programmes with transgender people: practical guidance for collaborative interventions

This tool describes how services can be designed and implemented to be acceptable and accessible to transgender women. To accomplish this, respectful and ongoing engagement with them is essential. This tool gives particular attention to programmes run by transgender people themselves, in contexts where this is possible.

Discussion Guide: The Bravest Boy I know

The book The Bravest Boy I Know can be used to help people understand HIV among children and especially to understand that children bounce back and do well when on treatment. HIV-positive children can go to school, play and live like any other children. They, and their families, need care and support, not stigma and discrimination.

Guideline: Updates on HIV and Infant Feeding

WHO guidelines on HIV and Infant Feeding in 2010 for the first time recommended the use of antiretroviral drugs to prevent postnatal transmission of HIV through breastfeeding. This resulted in a major change from an individualised counselling approach toward a public health approach regarding how maternal and child health services should routinely promote and support infant feeding practices among mothers living with HIV

Condoms Get Some Poster

Poster that promotes safe sex through condom use.