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The Private Sector Responds to the Epidemic: Debswana: A Global Benchmark

Thumbnail image of The Private Sector Responds to the Epidemic: Debswana: A Global Benchmark
This report describes the response of the Debswana Diamond Company in Botswana to the HIV epidemic among its workers. The company began with a small-scale study, and then mounted a major education and awareness campaign. Later the company appointed full-time AIDS program coordinators and developed...

Dangerous Inequalities: World AIDS Day report 2022

Dangerous Inequalities: World AIDS Day report 2022. Go to pdf.

This report, which marks World AIDS Day 2022, unpacks the impact that gender inequalities, inequalities faced by key populations, and inequalities between children and adults have had on the AIDS response. It is not inevitable, however, that these inequalities will slow progress towards ending AIDS.

UNAIDS Data 2021


The 90–90–90 targets were missed, but not by much. At the end of 2020, 84% of people living with HIV knew their HIV status, 87% of people living with HIV who knew their HIV status were accessing antiretroviral therapy, and 90% of people on treatment were virally suppressed.

2021 Global AIDS Update: Confronting Inequalities

Confronting Inequalities (PDF)

The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDSUNAIDS report shows that people living with HIV face a double jeopardy, HIV and COVID-19, while key populations and children continue to be left behind in access to HIV services

Ways to Influence Your Teen’s Sexual Risk Behavior: What Fathers Can Do

Thumbnail image of Ways to Influence Your Teen’s Sexual Risk Behavior: What Fathers Can Do
This information sheet is to help guide fathers to influence their teenagers sexual risk behaviors in positive ways. It encourages fathers to monitor and supervise their teen, be involved in their lives, communicate well, and share their values. It also provides a list of resources for additional...