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Results 71 - 80 of 1727

Medication Information

 Medication Information

This fact sheet discusses TB medication information including side effects, directions for taking medication, and when to notfiy a health professional.

Tuberculosis Management in Hindi (India)

 Tuberculosis Management in Hindi (India)

The video educates viewers on ways to effectively manage active TB. The animation includes information on preventing the spread of TB through TB testing, diagnosis, and treatment.

Getting the Message Across: Public Health Campaigns (1948–2008)

 Getting the Message Across: Public Health Campaigns (1948–2008). Go to book

This book takes a historical look at the power of posters to persuade people to change their behaviour. It charts decades of changing health priorities, advertising trends and government regulations, inviting the reader to reflect on how public health campaigns have evolved, and how they could be...

Use of EMRs for TB Programs: Benefits and Challenges

 Use of EMRs for TB Programs: Benefits and Challenges

This webinar introduces the topic of Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) and its application in TB programs. The content will address basic features of an EMR, benefits and challenges of EMR incorporation, as well as tools and strategies to tailor EMRs specifically for TB programs. The format includes...

TB: Are You at Risk?

This online video describes what TB is and how it is spread. It explains that although TB affects people worldwide, it can be prevented, treated, and cured. The video also identifies individuals who are at risk for TB and emphasizes that they should take the TB skin test.

TB and Cultural Competency: Notes from the field

 TB and Cultural Competency: Notes from the Field

This issue discusses a nurses’ relationship with a Vietnamese couple affected by TB. It highlights some challenges in communication, and how they were overcome. The issue also includes information on communication styles and use of open-ended questions.