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Trichomoniasis: Fast Facts

Trichomoniasis Fast Facts (Web)

With roughly two million cases in the U.S., trichomoniasis (“trich”) is the most common STI you’ve never heard of. Most cases don’t have obvious symptoms but undetected trich can make it more like to contract or transmit other STIs (like HIV) and the infection is linked to pre-term delivery and low...

Talking about Sexual Health: Getting the Care You Need

Talking about Sexual Health (Webinar)

If you’re a sexually active person— or even if you’re not right now—you probably have questions about your sexual health. Like, should I be tested for STIs? Which ones? Or what are my options for preventing pregnancy? You also might have questions about your libido and why it’s so low…or so high...

Molluscum Contagiosum

What is Molluscum Contagiosum (Web)

Molluscum Contagiosum is an infection that causes small bumps on your skin. It goes away by itself and usually isn’t dangerous.


What is scabies (Web)

Scabies are tiny parasites that cause itching. Passed through skin-to-skin contact, usually during sex. Can be cured.


What is Trichomoniasis (Web)

“Trich” is a major cause of vaginitis. It’s very common and easily treated.


What is syphilis (Web)

Syphilis is a common bacterial infection. It’s easily cured with medicine, but it can be dangerous if you don’t treat it.

Pubic Lice

What is Pubic Lice (Web)

Pubic Lice, also known as "crabs" are small parasites that attach to the skin and hair near your genitals. Easy to get rid of with treatment you can get at the drugstore.


What is HPV (Web)

HIV is an infection that breaks down your immune system and can lead to AIDS. There’s no cure, but treatment can help you stay healthy.