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Results 251 - 260 of 276

Baltimore City HIV Counseling and Testing Sites

Thumbnail image of Baltimore City HIV Counseling and Testing Sites
This pamphlet is an easy-to-read reference guide of locations within Baltimore that provide testing for HIV and syphilis. It provides clinic addresses, phone numbers, hours of operation, and additional references.

Gonorrea: Hoja Informativa de los CDC [Gonorrhea - CDC Fact Sheet]

Thumbnail image of Gonorrea: Hoja Informativa de los CDC
This information sheet discusses gonorrhea, a common STD that can cause infections in the genitals, rectum, and throat. Topics include transmission, prevention, risk, symptoms, testing and treatment. The sheet also discusses complications if the disease is left untreated and its effect on a pregnant...

Sifilis: Hoja Informativa de los CDC [Syphilis - CDC Fact Sheet]

Thumbnail image of Sifilis: Hoja Informativa de los CDC
This information sheet discusses the STD syphilis. It describes syphilis; how it is transmitted; its symptoms during the primary, secondary, latent and late stages; prevention; who is at risk; how syphilis affects the baby of an infected pregnant woman; testing; treatment and the possibility of...

Congenital Syphilis in Texas

Thumbnail image of Congenital Syphilis in Texas
This information sheet discusses congenital syphilis, what it is, how big the problem is in Texas, how to test for it, reporting requirements, and treatment.

Expedited Partner Therapy

Thumbnail image of Expedited Partner Therapy
This information sheet discusses expedited partner therapy in Texas, which is the practice of treating sex partners of heterosexual patients diagnosed with chlamydia or gonorrhea without an exam from a health care provider.