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Results 1091 - 1100 of 1727

TB: Tuberculosis

This bilingual publication puts a human face on the TB epidemic and depicts the suffering of people affected by this disease through images and interviews. The publication also describes the efficacy of the DOTS program in fighting TB.

Social Support Services for Tuberculosis Clients

This guide is to help providers establish and enhance social support services in a TB clinic. The purpose of this guide is to help the worker to (1) establish social services, (2) develop a therapeutic alliance with clients, (3) create an Intake Form to identify barriers to TB treatment and...

TB Disease: You Need Treatment to Make You Well

 TB Disease: You Need Treatment to Make You Well

This pamphlet uses a question and answer format to provide information on TB disease. It explains what TB is, how it is transmitted, the symptoms of TB, and what a person needs to know about TB medicines.