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Hepatitis C. Often Hidden. Often the Cause of Liver Cancer.

Thumbnail image of Hepatitis C. Often Hidden. Often the Cause of Liver Cancer.
This poster featuring a word find puzzle informs individuals that hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection can cause liver cancer and that individuals may not know they have HCV. It notifies the public of the CDC recommendation that individuals born 1945-1965 should get tested for HCV.

Hepatitis C: What to Expect When Getting Tested

Thumbnail image of Hepatitis C: What to Expect When Getting Tested
This information sheet explains the blood test called a Hepatitis C Antibody Test, which is used to determine whether an individual was ever infected with the hepatitis C virus (HCV). The test searches for HCV antibodies. The information sheet discusses the meaning of a non-reactive hepatitis C...

[Hepatitis B: Are You at Risk?] [Hepatitis B: Are You at Risk?]

Thumbnail image of [Hepatitis B: Are You at Risk?]
This information sheet, which is both in Korean and English, discusses hepatitis B, a contagious liver disease caused by infection with the hepatitis B virus. It explains the difference between acute infection and chronic disease and describes Hepatitis B transmission, whether the disease is common...

Hepatitis B and Your Family: Information for People from Africa

Thumbnail image of Hepatitis B and Your Family: Information for People from Africa
This information sheet discusses hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection for people from Africa. It explains that the disease is common in many parts of the world including Africa, describes HBV transmission, the lack of symptoms, how it affects the body, testing and the need for sexual partners to get...

Hepatitis C: Testing Baby Boomers Saves Lives

Thumbnail image of Hepatitis C: Testing Baby Boomers Saves Lives
This information sheet discusses what Hepatitis C is and why baby boomers should get tested for Hepatitis C. It states that an estimated three million adults in the US have Hepatitis C and that baby boomers are five times more likely to have Hepatitis C due to contaminated blood and blood products...

Viral Hepatitis: Information for Gay and Bisexual Men

Thumbnail image of Viral Hepatitis: Information for Gay and Bisexual Men
This information sheet discusses the viral infections Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, and Hepatitis C, which cause liver disease. It describes the modes of transmission for each, the epidemiology of these diseases in the United States, the difference between acute and chronic disease as well as the...