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Hepatitis B and Your Liver

Hepatitis B and Your Liver (PDF)

 The liver is one of the body’s most important organs. It cleans toxins from the body and helps it digest food and absorb nutrients. The hepatitis B virus lives in the liver and can cause damage. It is important for people with hepatitis to understand their liver and how to protect it.

2021 Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Status Report

2021 Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Report (PDF)

This document discusses how an estimated 2.4 million people in the U.S. are living with hepatitis C infection, while up to 1.59 million people could be living with hepatitis B in the U.S. The need for expanded, standardized, and reliable viral hepatitis surveillance continues to impact public health...

40B Drug Pricing Program Guidance for Viral Hepatitis Programs

340B Drug Pricing Program Guidance Viral Hepatitis (PDF)

This document discusses how NASTAD strongly encourages 340B program administrators to incorporate health equity into their programs. Health equity means that everyone has a fair and just opportunity to be as healthy as possible and this requires removing obstacles to health such as structural racism...

2022 Viral Hepatitis National Progress Report

2022 Viral Hepatitis National Progress Report (Web)

The Viral Hepatitis National Progress Report provides information on progress in the implementation of recommended interventions and the impact these interventions are having on prevention of viral hepatitis transmission, disease, and associated mortality.

HCV/HIV Coinfection

Thumbnail image of HCV/HIV Coinfection

This pamphlet provides information on hepatitis C virus infection (HCV) and HIV coinfection. It discusses the liver, HCV and the effect of HCV on the liver, and explains HCV/HIV coinfection, the relationship between HCV and HIV, whether HIV can make HCV worse, the possibility of a mother...

Newly Diagnosed: Hepatitis C

Thumbnail image of [Newly Diagnosed: Hepatitis C]

This pamphlet discusses hepatitis C virus infection (HCV) for the newly-diagnosed patient. It explains the disease including acute and chronic infection, its symptoms, effect on the liver, treatment including the two oral medications cleared by the Federal Drug Administration for patients with...