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Hepatitis C Treatment Restrictions 2024

Hepatitis C Treatment Restrictions (Web)

This infographic from HepVu illustrates hepatitis C treatment restrictions in 2024 and how many states have other requirements that reduce access to hepatitis C care.

Take Charge: A Gay Man's Guide to Sexual Health

Thumbnail image of Take Charge: A Gay Man's Guide to Sexual Health
This information sheet discusses tests that gay men should have, including hepatitis, HIV, and STDs. It encourages gay men to have testing on a regular basis and not wait until there are symptoms. It also suggests speaking to a health professional about PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV.

Hepatitis C in Texas

Thumbnail image of Hepatitis C in Texas
This information sheet discusses hepatitis C, how it's spread, co-infection with HIV, statistics of hepatitis C in Texas, how it's prevented, how it's treated, and the cost of treatment.

2022 Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Report

2022 Hepatitis Surveillance Report (Web)

Tens of thousands of new cases of viral hepatitis occur every year in the United States. Viral hepatitis is a serious public health threat that kills thousands of Americans annually and is a leading cause of liver cancer. Hepatitis A and hepatitis B are vaccine-preventable and hepatitis C can be...

Hepatitis C: Why Baby Boomers Should Get Tested

Thumbnail image of Hepatitis C: Why Baby Boomers Should Get Tested
This information sheet discusses why baby boomers should get tested for Hepatitis C. It states that baby boomers are five times more likely to have Hepatitis C due to contaminated blood and blood products before widepread screening of blood in 1992 and other precautions were adopted or from...

Just Diagnosed: Entire Lesson

Thumbnail image of Just Diagnosed: Entire Lesson
This internet file discusses steps to be taken after being diagnosed with hepatitis C. It explains hepatitis transmission and advises on the next steps to be taken including learning about the disease, adopting a healthy lifestyle, protecting others, understanding the long-term effects, telling...