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Hepatitis B

Fact sheet on hepatitis B: A virus that can cause liver disease, which is spread through sex or sharing personal hygiene items like razors or toothbrushes.


Fact sheet on gonorrhea: A common STD caused by a bacterial infection. Often doesn’t have symptoms, but easy to treat once it’s diagnosed.

Genital Warts

Fact sheet on genital warts: Growths on the genital area and around the anus. Caused by certain types of HPV.


Fact sheet on Chlamydia: A very common STD caused by a bacterial infection. Often doesn’t have symptoms, but easy to treat once it’s diagnosed.

Congenital Syphilis Workshops

NCSD hosted a series of workshops on congenital syphilis to highlight some of the innovative approaches jurisdictions are taking to combat these increasing numbers and create space for community action planning and problem-solving.

Disease Intervention Specialist Interview Questions

As jurisdictions prepare to hire and onboard new Disease Intervention Specialists (DIS) with supplemental funding, equitable hiring practices are instrumental to bringing on diverse DIS staff that represent the communities they serve. NCSD has gathered a list of sample interview questions that focus on some of the softer skills required of DIS with the intention of centering more equitable hiring.

A New Approach to Sexual History Taking: A Video Series

This video series showcases six healthcare providers discussing the importance of taking a comprehensive sexual health history and introduces a new 6th P created by the National Coalition for Sexual Health that addresses pleasure, problems, and pride. The 6th P builds upon CDC's 5 Ps approach that asks patients about 1) Partners 2) Practices 3) Past History of STIs 4) Protection, and 5) Pregnancy. Specifically, the 6th P (or “Plus”) explores sexual satisfaction, functioning, concerns, and support for one's gender identity and sexual orientation.

National Internet Partner Services (NIPS) Workgroup Quarterly Calls

CDC’s Division of STD Prevention, Using Technology to Advance STI Prevention (UTASP) Group, and the National Coalition of STD Directors are partnering to host the National Internet Partner Services (NIPS) Workgroup quarterly calls for technology-based partner services.

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea Testing: More Than Just Genitals

Are you having oral and/or anal sex? If so, you might need to get an STI test in your throat or butt. It’s quick and easy. This new fact sheet describes who should get tested, why get tested, what to expect, and tips for talking with your provider.

How to talk about STDs - Using STD Videos to Model Communication

Teaching sexual communication skills is an important component of sex education. Without the ability to communicate about sexual health, young people are not able to make and follow through on healthy decisions and may be put at risk of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV. Classroom settings are limited in their ability to illustrate what healthy communication between partners looks like in real-life situations.