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Tips for Developing Chlamydia Screening Messages and Materials for Young Women

This information sheet provides tips for creating educational chlamydia-screening materials and products for young women. The research was based on data from focus groups. A total of 18 focus groups and one dyad were conducted in four cities across the United States including three segments of sexually active females ages 15-25 years.

Sifilis: Hoja Informativa de los CDC

This information sheet discusses the STD syphilis. It describes syphilis; how it is transmitted; its symptoms during the primary, secondary, latent and late stages; prevention; who is at risk; how syphilis affects the baby of an infected pregnant woman; testing; treatment and the possibility of reinfection; and where to find additional information.

Herpes Genital - Hoja Informativa de los CDC

This information sheet discusses genital herpes, the STD caused by the herpes simplex viruses type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2). It lists symptoms; diagnosis and transmission methods, including perinatal transmission; complications of genital herpes; the effect on pregnant women and their infants; prevention measures; and the treatment to shorten or suppress outbreaks, since there is no cure for herpes. Contact information is provided for accessing the services of national health organizations.

Enfermedad Inflamatoria Pélvica (EIP): Hoja Informativa de los CDC

This information sheet discusses pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). It explains PID, its epidemiology, transmission, signs and symptoms, complications of PID, treatment, and what women can do to prevent STDs, which are often the cause of PID.

Vaccine Safety: Frequently Asked Questions About HPV Vaccine Safety

This information sheet responds to questions about HPV vaccine safety. It discusses whether the vaccines are safe’ what vaccines are available in the United States; how the vaccines are monitored and evaluated in the United States; what is an adverse event and were any adverse events reported with HPV vaccines; whether HPV vaccines cause ovarian failure; is fainting or pain associated with the vaccines; whether the FDA and CDC have changed any recommendations about HPV based on safety monitoring, and where an individual can find more information about HPV vaccines.

HPV Vaccine for Preteens and Teens

This information sheet discusses the need to vaccinate adolescents and preteens to prevent human papillomavirus (HPV) infection which can cause cervical cancer in females and genital warts and anal cancer in both females and males.

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Cancer, HPV Testing, and HPV Vaccines: Frequently Asked Questions

This pamphlet discusses the human papillomavirus (HPV), cervical cancer caused by HPV, testing, and available vaccines. It explains viruses, HPV, the different types of HPV, how it is transmitted, how common it is, and the risk factors for both men and women. The information sheet also discusses HPV prevention, symptoms, testing, how the virus is treated, and its relation to cervical cancer, as well as cancers of the vulva, vagina, anus, penis, and mouth and throat. Detailed information is provided about the HPV vaccines and who should be inoculated and at what ages.

Gonorrhea - CDC Fact Sheet

This information sheet discusses gonorrhea, a common STD that can cause infections in the genitals, rectum, and throat. Topics include transmission, prevention, risk, symptoms, testing and treatment. The sheet also discusses complications if the disease is left untreated and its effect on a pregnant woman and her baby.

Gonorrea: Hoja Informativa de los CDC

This information sheet discusses gonorrhea, a common STD that can cause infections in the genitals, rectum, and throat. Topics include transmission, prevention, risk, symptoms, testing and treatment. The sheet also discusses complications if the disease is left untreated and its effect on a pregnant woman and her baby.