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Health Professionals

Bedaquiline Dosage Charts

.This job aid can be used by healthcare workers to view dosage information for bedaquiline. The resource also provides visual information for patients. 

LTBI-care: Mobile app to support programmatic management of LTBI

This mobile application (app) was developed to facilitate monitoring and evaluation of programmatic management of LTBI. Through the app, health-care workers can collect client information used to monitor indicators for the management of LTBI. The app can be modified to meet the specific needs of the country using the app.

Global Tuberculosis Report 2017

WHO has published a global TB report every year since 1997. The main aim of the report is to provide a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the TB epidemic, and of progress in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the disease at global, regional and country levels. This report is updated annually.

Comparison of a Whole-Blood Interferon Gamma Assay With Tuberculin Skin Testing for Detecting Latent Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Infection. Journal of the American Medical Association. 286(14):1740-1747,October 10, 2001.

This report provides findings from a study designed to compare a whole-blood interferon gamma assay, the QuantiFERON-TB test, with tuberculin skin testing for detecting latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection and to identify factors associated with discordance between the tests.

World TB Day 2002 Highlights Report: 24.03.2002

This report discusses the global efforts of national education and advocacy events that occurred on World Tuberculosis (TB) Day 2002. The report provides information about campaigns that promoted TB prevention through socioeconomic change, government support, the formation of partnerships between governments and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and improved healthcare access and delivery.

See-and-Touch Artificial Arms With Mantoux TB Skin Reaction

The tool shows sample reactions to the Mantoux tuberculin skin test and includes a card with descriptions of each reaction. The product is $330, which includes one arm, one base, and shipping.

Total cost of $330 includes one arm, one base, and shipping. Also included is a laminated card that provides full descriptions of each reaction.

Available in light, medium, and dark skin tone please make a skin tone selection before you add this item to your cart.

Fight AIDS. Fight TB. Fight Now.

In this flash film, Winstone Zulu, a TB/HIV advocate from Zambia, says that TB is the leading killer of AIDS patients living in Africa. From his own experience of living with both AIDS and TB, and having been cured of TB himself, he states that there is a desperate need for TB patients to be treated with TB drugs, as TB can be cured. He emphasizes that fighting AIDS in Africa means fighting TB. A 60-second PSA accompanies this flash film.

The Human Face of TB

This flash movie is an informational film based on the report "Tuberculosis" published by WHO. The movie puts a human face on the TB epidemic and the deadly interaction between TB and HIV. It depicts the suffering of people affected by this disease through images and interviews. Outlining the efficacy of the DOTS program, the movie makes clear that continued commitment and expanded resources are vital to combat TB.