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[Protect Your Baby for Life: When a Pregnant Woman Has Hepatitis B]

This information sheet discusses hepatitis B virus (HBV) and explains how a mother can ensure that her baby is protected from this disease for life. It describes HBV, how the disease affects the newborn, and how it is transmitted. The pamphlet advises pregnant women to request testing and if testing positive to make sure the baby is treated with HBIG and vaccine at birth and receives all follow-up doses of vaccine. Also, everyone who lives in the home should be tested, and if negative should get the vaccine to protect them from hepatitis B.

World TB Day 2018

The Stop TB Partnership has developed a set of campaign materials for World TB Day 2018.

Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis in Lomwe (Mozambique)

The animation educates viewers on topics related to drug-resistant TB and multidrug-resistant TB, such as treatment plans, basic information on multidrug-resistant TB, and the importance of medication adherence.

TB in those with HIV in French (Congo)

This video illustrates the interactions between TB and HIV, including their impact on the immune system, TB testing, and TB treatment.

ETS y el embarazo

This information sheet discusses the effects of STDs on pregnancy and childbirth. It explains that pregnant women can become infected with STDs and these infections can be passed to the baby before, during, or after birth. STDs can cause complications in childbirth and can have harmful effects on the baby. The information sheet explains that many STDs are "silent," or have no symptoms and suggests that pregnant women should be tested for STDs early in the pregnancy and again in the third trimester if needed.

El Embarazo y las Enfermedades Transmitidas Sexualmente: La Realidad

This pamphlet provides information on STDs and pregnancy. It states the facts about how an STD could affect a baby and why a pregnant woman should be tested early in the pregnancy and be treated if infected with an STD. The pamphlet explains that a woman can get an STD while pregnant, when the pregnant woman should be tested, partner notification, and the treatment of STDs with antibiotics.

STDs and Pregnancy: The Facts

This pamphlet provides information on STDs and pregnancy. It states the facts about how an STD could affect a baby and why a pregnant woman should be tested early in the pregnancy and be treated if infected with an STD. The pamphlet explains that a women can get an STD while pregnant, when the pregnant woman should be tested, partner notification, and the treatment of STDs with antibiotics.

Sifilis: Hoja Informativa de los CDC

This information sheet discusses the STD syphilis. It describes syphilis; how it is transmitted; its symptoms during the primary, secondary, latent and late stages; prevention; who is at risk; how syphilis affects the baby of an infected pregnant woman; testing; treatment and the possibility of reinfection; and where to find additional information.

Herpes Genital - Hoja Informativa de los CDC

This information sheet discusses genital herpes, the STD caused by the herpes simplex viruses type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSV-2). It lists symptoms; diagnosis and transmission methods, including perinatal transmission; complications of genital herpes; the effect on pregnant women and their infants; prevention measures; and the treatment to shorten or suppress outbreaks, since there is no cure for herpes. Contact information is provided for accessing the services of national health organizations.