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Results 17551 - 17560 of 17741

Abstinence Education and HIV/AIDS

Thumbnail image of Abstinence Education and HIV/AIDS
This fact sheet provides organizations, government agencies, and educators with information about abstinence education and HIV/AIDS. The fact sheet reviews the content of abstinence-only sex education programs as well as the epidemiology of HIV/AIDS among adolescents in the United States. It...

Access to Sterile Syringes

Thumbnail image of Access to Sterile Syringes
This information sheet discusses the necessity for injecting drug users (IDUs), who cannot or will not stop injecting drugs, to have access to sterile syringes in order to prevent the spread of HIV. The sheet explains that (1) the method used to prepare and inject drugs offers many opportunities for...

Policy Efforts to Increase IDUs' Access to Sterile Syringes

Thumbnail image of Policy Efforts to Increase IDUs' Access to Sterile Syringes
This information sheet explains that in order to reduce the transmission of HIV and other blood-borne infections, injecting drug users (IDUs), who cannot or will not stop injecting drugs, must have access to sterile syringes and injection equipment. However, many laws and regulations prohibit IDUs...

Pharmacy Sales of Sterile Syringes

Thumbnail image of Pharmacy Sales of Sterile Syringes
This information sheet discusses the role of pharmacies in efforts to help injecting drug users (IDUs) gain access to sterile syringes and equipment in order to reduce their risk of acquiring and transmitting HIV and other blood-borne diseases.The information sheet lists advantages of pharmacy sales...

Syringe Exchange Programs

Thumbnail image of Syringe Exchange Programs
This information sheet supports the use of syringe exchange programs (SEPs) for injecting drug users, who will not or cannot stop injecting drugs, as one method of lowering the risk of IDUs acquiring or transmitting HIV. SEPs allow IDUs to safely dispose of used syringes and obtain sterile ones at...

Syringe Disposal

Thumbnail image of Syringe Disposal
This information sheet discusses the problem of safe disposal of used syringes by diabetics as well as injecting drug users (IDUs) to prevent needlestick injuries and transmission of blood-borne diseases like HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis. The information sheet explains the public concern with...

False-Positive Cultures for Mycobaterium Tuberculosis

Thumbnail image of False-Positive Cultures for Mycobaterium Tuberculosis
This information sheet contends that new rapid diagnostic laboratory techniques appear to have increased the possiblity of laboratory cross contamination and explains how to avoid diagnostic errors based on false-positive cultures.

Syphilis Elimination Communication Plan

Thumbnail image of Syphilis Elimination Communication Plan
This document lays out the communications goal, objectives, target audiences, and key strategies and tactics to support the National Plan to Eliminate Syphilis from the United States. It is based on a review of the literature on syphilis prevention and elimination; media coverage of the syphilis...

Teen Risk-Taking: Promising Prevention Programs and Approaches

Thumbnail image of Teen Risk-Taking: Promising Prevention Programs and Approaches
This monograph is a guide to effective problem behavior prevention programs for at-risk youth. The monograph discusses the level and characteristics of adolescent risk-taking today, common elements of successful prevention programs along with an explanation of criteria used to evaluate programs, the...