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Adherencia a los Tratamientos a Largo Plazo: Pruebas Para la Accion [Adherence to Long-Term Therapies: Evidence for Action]

This report provides information on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Adherence to Long-term Therapies Project to improve the rates of adherence to therapies used in treating chronic conditions. The report begins by defining the term adherence and the problem of poor adherence, showing how poor adherence affects policy makers and health managers. It presents guidance for countries for improving adherence rates using information derived from lessons learned from reviews and presents the disease-specific reviews. The report also discusses nine chronic conditions that were reviewed. The annexes discuss behavioral mechanisms explaining adherence; explore behavioral interventions for improving adherence that have been tested; present statements by stakeholders and examine the role of the stakeholder in improving adherence. Tables of factors by condition and dimension and tables of reported intervention by condition and dimension are presented with a summarization of all factors and interventions that were discussed.
Health Planners
Publication Language:
Long Term Care
Medical Treatments and Therapies
Publication Date:
202 p.: mono.: graphs.: ill.
Last Updated Date:
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