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Site Search

Database Searches

General Search Tips

Site Search


The Site Search is available on the top right of every page on the Web site. The site-wide search will locate pages or documents on NPIN's Web site, but will not bring back items from any of the NPIN databases. For instructions on searching NPIN's Organizations, Materials, and Funding databases, see below.

Search results will be sorted by relevancy (the likelihood that a result is what you are looking for), with the most relevant results appearing first. Click the title or Details button of each listing to go to the page.

You can change the number of entries on each page of results by choosing one of the options in Results per page dropdown field.

Database Searches


With the database search function, you can perform a more specific search of one of the three NPIN databases. Under Specific Searches on the right side of each Web page, click on the database you wish to search. The page will open to the search form for that database.

When you search one of these databases, you will receive a list of records that match your search terms. The title hyperlink and Details button will take you to a record that holds all the information available in the database for that particular item.

You can change the number of entries on each page of results by choosing one of the options in Results by page dropdown field.

Organizations Database


This database lists more than 12,000 national, state, or local organizations that provide resources and services relating to HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, STDs, or TB. Addresses, phone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses, Web site addresses, audiences, and services are listed.

Search by one or more of the following:

Organization Name--Enter the complete name of the organization.
Location--Enter a city, county, or state/territory.
Service Category--Select the service category of interest to you.
Specific Services--Once a service category has been selected, a second box will appear. This box will contain a list of specific services included within the selected category. Your search may be narrowed by selecting one or more of the specific services in box 2. If no specific services are selected, you will be searching for organizations that provide any of the listed services.

To find a specific organization if you don't know the complete name, type part of the name in the Organization Name field and click the state in which it is located.

Results will be sorted by relevancy.


To findEnterSTD testing sites in Dover, Delaware City: Dover
State: Delaware
Select Service Category: STD Testing all health department clinics in MarylandOrganization Name: Health Department
State: Maryland

Materials Database


This database contains information about educational materials on HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, STDs, and TB distributed by NPIN in electronic format.

Search by one or more of the following:

Subject/Keyword--Enter a search term or keyword related to your search.
Theme--Materials are grouped into various themes. Select the theme that covers your search.
Format--Materials included are in many different formats, such as brochures, posters, reports, CDs, and DVDs. Select the material format of interest to you.
Language--Materials are offered in more than 34 languages. Select the language of interest to you.
Type--Materials are available for electronic download. Items can be downloaded in HTML or PDF format as applicable. Select the type that is of interest to you.

By default, results are displayed by date but can be sorted by relevancy.


To findEnterCDs in English on HIV/AIDS treatmentSubject/Keyword: HIV/AIDS treatment
Language: English

Funding Database


The Funding Database is used to locate private and government funding opportunities for community-based and HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis, STD, and TB service organizations. Included are details about eligibility requirements, application processes, and deadlines.

Search by one or more of the following:

Search Term--Enter a search term or keyword into this box.
Opportunities--Select Open Only (for funding opportunities whose application deadlines have not yet passed) or Open and Closed.

Results will be sorted by relevancy.

To findEnterfunding options whose deadlines have not passed for HIV testingSearch Term: HIV Testing
Opportunities: Open Only

General Search Tips


Broadening Your Search (if you find too little)

  • Remove one of the terms from your search. If you are using too many terms, you might be restricting the search too much.
  • Look for misspellings in the terms you have entered. The system will only match exact, correct spellings.
  • Change one of the terms to a broader term. For example, replace peer counseling with counseling.
  • Change an acronym to the full name of an organization. For example:
    • Replace NAPWA with National Association of People with AIDS.
    • Instead of searching on LTBI, search for latent TB or latent tuberculosis.

Narrowing Your Search (if you find too much)

  • Make your wording more specific. For example:
    • Use syphilis instead of sexually transmitted diseases.
    • Add another term to a general word. Instead of testing use TB testing. Instead of treatment, use syphilis treatment.
  • Add another word into a field. For example:
    • If you are searching for the word health, you are likely to find too many records. Limit the search by entering another word to the same field, such as mental health.
    • Instead of searching for testing, search for HIV testing or TB testing.

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