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NPIN Funding Feed

One of NPIN's goals is to provide our prevention partners with resources to help make your work easier. One way we do this is through our NPIN funding feed. A feed allows you to see the latest headlines as they are posted to a website. The information comes to you rather than you having to go to the website. In essence, the feeds themselves are just Web pages designed to be read by computers rather than people.

NPIN currently provides a funding feed to prevention partners. The funding feed helps you stay current with private and federal funding opportunities for community-based HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB service organizations.

Receiving the Feed

In general, the first thing you need is something called a news reader. This is an application that checks the feeds and lets you read any new articles that have been added. There are many different versions, some of which are accessed using a browser and some of which are downloadable applications also known as aggregators.

Browser-based news readers let you catch up with your feed subscriptions from any computer through a Web-based service. For example, you can receive the feeds to your Hotmail, Google, MSN, and Yahoo home pages. A downloadable application lets you store the feeds on your main computer in the same way that you download your e-mail using Outlook.

RSS Feed IconOnce you have chosen a news reader, you can subscribe to the feed in various ways, including dragging the feed URL shown below into your news reader or cutting and pasting the same URL into your news reader.

NPIN Funding Feed:

Sending the Feed (Web Developers)

If you run your own Web site, you can display the latest headlines from NPIN Funding on your own site using feeds. There are numerous resources on the Internet that detail how to integrate a feed. They can be found by performing searches using various key terminologies (e.g., "add feeds to Web site scripting"). Many of these Web sites offer freely available code samples instructing Web developers in how to integrate a feed into a Web site.

We encourage the use of the NPIN feed as part of a Web site; however, we require that the proper format and attribution be used when NPIN content appears. The attribution text should read:

"NPIN Funding" or ""

You may not use any NPIN logo or other NPIN trademark.


We reserve the right to prevent the distribution of NPIN Funding content, and NPIN does not accept any liability for its feed. Use of trade names and commercial sources is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. References to non-CDC sites on the Internet are provided as a service to NPIN readers and do not constitute or imply endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CDC or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. CDC is not responsible for the content of pages found at these sites. URL addresses listed in the NPIN Web site were current as of the date of publication.