This announcement will be revised regularly to incorporate country specific narratives (Attachment 1 of the announcement) with information vital to the content of application. Potential applicants interested in applying to this announcement should click 'Subscribe' to be notified of future revisions. DoD HIV/AID Prevention Program's (DHAPP) objective, through the PEPFAR program, is to save lives, prevent HIV infections, and accelerate progress toward achieving HIV/AIDS epidemic control and to support the development of interventions and programs in military health systems that address these issues. DHAPP works with militaries of foreign countries to devise plans based on the following process:
- Meet with key partners in country to determine provisional major program areas and other technical assistance needs.
- Adapt DHAPP support to a country’s need for prevention, care and/or treatment of its HIV/AIDS situation based on an assessment of the country’s epidemic, and more specifically, in that country’s military.
- Strengthen the military capacity for ownership and behavioral changes over the long term.
- Consider program design by leveraging assets with other country partners who have/had successful prevention, care, and/or treatment efforts.
- Focus on prevention, care and/or treatment impact aligned with national implementation plans.
- Implement and monitor programs to ensure accountability and sustainability.
Funding ID:
Application Due Date:
Funding Organization:
The US Department of Defense-Department of the Army - USAMRAA
- International
- HIV and AIDS Prevention