Mobile Version - March - April 2016

From the Director Dr. Jonathan Mermin

Most new HIV diagnoses among youths occur among males who have sex with males (MSM). Among all MSM, young African-American MSM accounted for the largest number of new HIV diagnoses in 2014. The recently published MMWRHIV-Related Risk Behaviors Among Male High School Students Who Had Sexual Contact with Males – 17 Large Urban School Districts, United States, 2009–2013” shows that while young African-American gay and bisexual males have higher rates of HIV diagnoses than young white and Latino gay and bisexual males, they often have lower behavioral risk rates compared with white and Latino peers. This disparity highlights the problem of higher prevalence of HIV and undiagnosed HIV infection in black MSM sexual networks. Further, despite lower risk profiles, the impact of social determinants of health and structural factors can increase disease rates for young black MSM. National Youth HIV-AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD), observed on April 10, is a time to take action to advance comprehensive programs for all young gay and bisexual males.

New Data Estimate Lifetime Risk for HIV

New CDC research released in February at CROI shows that at current rates (2009-2013), 1 in 2 black and 1 in 4 Latino gay and bisexual men will be diagnosed with HIV. Despite success in overall declines in lifetime risk in the United States (1 in 96 compared to 1 in 78 a decade ago), vast and persistent disparities fuel these numbers, especially among African Americans and Latinos, MSM, and people who inject drugs. But this estimate does not have to be reality. We can change these numbers by working together to identify unrecognized infections, ensuring people with HIV receive ongoing care and treatment, PrEP, condoms, and risk reduction. CDC will continue to invest in “High Impact Prevention” strategies that provide the right tools to the right people to achieve the greatest impact.

World TB Day

Each year, we recognize World TB Day on March 24. This annual event commemorates the date in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced his discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacillus that causes tuberculosis (TB). The theme for World TB Day 2016 is “End TB.” To raise awareness of this important day, a variety of online resources have been developed to assist partners in sharing their own World TB Day messages and materials. Please use the banners and other images to get the word out. CDC has also launched a project to highlight stories of success in TB prevention and control. The CDC U.S. TB Elimination Champions provides an opportunity to recognize accomplishments and learn best practices from organizations and people who are making a significant contribution toward ending TB in their community. Check out the CDC U.S. TB Elimination Champions page during the week of World TB Day to learn more about these champions.