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Engaging Healthcare Organizations for HIV Prevention and Care

Priorities in HIV Testing (Web)

This webinar was the final event of a three-part webinar series on Addressing Priorities in HIV Testing.  “Engaging Health Care Organizations for HIV Prevention and Care” took place on Tuesday April 23, 2024. The webinar focused on Public Health Seattle King County's EHE Healthcare Collaborative. Dr...

How Do You Let Your Partners Know They May Have Been Exposed to HIV?

How to Let Partners They're Exposed to HIV (PDF)

This brochure discusses how Partner Services provides free and confidential services to people diagnosed with HIV or other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs, like syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia) and their partners. Through Partner Services, health department staff members help find sexual or...

Integrating Routine HIV Screening Into Your Practice

Routine HIV Screening (PDF)

This guide underscores the importance of HIV testing and immediate treatment upon diagnosis to reduce new infections. With over 1 million individuals in the US unaware of their HIV status, early detection is vital. Health care providers play a critical role by conducting routine screenings, linking...

Reporting Requirements for Negative HIV and Hepatitis C Test Results

Reporting Negative HIV Hepatitis Results (Web)

The aim of this legal research is to compile enacted state laws and regulations regarding reporting requirements for negative HIV and Hepatitis C test results. The research includes all 50 states as well as the District of Columbia and only covers enacted laws and regulations – excluding proposed...

Take Charge: A Gay Man's Guide to Sexual Health

Thumbnail image of Take Charge: A Gay Man's Guide to Sexual Health
This information sheet discusses tests that gay men should have, including hepatitis, HIV, and STDs. It encourages gay men to have testing on a regular basis and not wait until there are symptoms. It also suggests speaking to a health professional about PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV.

HIV Among Hispanics/Latinos

HIV Among Hispanics/Latinos. Go to fact sheet.
HIV continues to be a serious threat to the health of the Hispanic/Latino community. In 2015, Hispanics/Latinos accounted for about one quarter of all new diagnoses of HIV in the United States, despite representing about 18% of the total US population.

HIV Among People Aged 50 and Over

HIV Among People Aged 50 and Over. Go to fact sheet.
People aged 50 and older have the same HIV risk factors as younger people, but may be less aware of their HIV risk factors. At the end of 2014, an estimated 428,724 people aged 50 and over were living with diagnosed HIV in the United States.